Democrat Rep Was Linked to CHILD ABUSE Case

Rep. Susan Wild a democrat from Pennsylvania has lashed out over a molestation scandal that she is involved in due to her for a children’s psychiatric hospital, according to The Washington Free Beacon is embroiled in a molestation scandal.

“Oh shut up,” Wild tweeted. This was her response to the Congressional Leadership Fund’s ad slamming Wild for defending KidsPeace in a 2005 lawsuit. The lawsuit involved a patient who sued the organization after he was sodomized by a counselor. Wild argued that the rape was a “medical incident.”

Wild, best known for Zooming into a campaign event while driving, did not respond to requests for a comment on the story. However, she defended her legal work for KidsPeace in her Friday outburst, saying she “had nothing to do with” the underlying molestation claim and dismissing the Congressional Leadership Fund as “liars.”

Wild is locked in a close race with Republican challenger Lisa Scheller, whom Wild just barely beat in 2020 with 14,000 votes. Due to the momentum of the hoped-for “red wave,” the Republicans believe they can flip the seat as voters have soured on Democrats over the economy and crime.

Dozens of KidsPeace patients and their families have sued the organization over the years for negligence. Wild represented KidsPeace in two cases in the early 2000s.

She represented the organization as part of a lawsuit involving a former patient, Matthew Craft. Craft sued KidsPeace for negligence for failing to prevent his rape in 1998 at the hands of KidsPeace counselor Dean Sine.

Craft said Sine anally raped him and then threatened him from speaking out. He said that KidsPeace staff treated him for constipation after the brutal assault.

Craft claimed that KidsPeace was negligent in employing Sine, who was indicted in 1992 for manslaughter in the suffocation death of another KidsPeace patient. Sine was acquitted, but he was later convicted of molesting another minor. This incident was unrelated to KidsPeace.

Though Wild and KidsPeace did not deny the assault took place, Wild argued in court filings that KidsPeace did not have a “crystal ball” to predict Sine’s actions and was thus not negligent for preventing the rape. The rape which she referred to as a “medical incident.”



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