
CBS Host Attempts to Show its ‘Okay’ to Doctor Evidence if You are a Democrat, Trump Attorney Sets the Record Straight

In a post-impeachment victory interview President Trump’s attorney Michael Van Der Veen set CBS Anchor Lana Zak straight after she implied its ‘Okay’ to Doctor Evidence. The confrontation was savage with Van Der Veen indicting not only the politicians who engineered the false ‘evidence’ against President Trump, but also the media on BOTH sides who have facilitated the divide in our nation. We’ve painstakingly transcribed the interview for you. And TheBlaze’s Elijah Schaffer tweeted the unedited, must-see video. Some of Van Der Veen’s most quotable quotes to start were:

“You’ve got to live by your word. That’s the problem the media has to start living by the truth and not trying to create a narrative.”

Your coverage is so slanted. It’s gotta stop. You guys have to stop and start reporting more like PBS does. Rather than a TV News show that doesn’t have any journalistic integrity at all.”

“The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are blood thirsty for ratings. And as such you’re asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern. I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that it’s ‘All Right’ just to doctor a little bit of evidence.”

How It Started: A Slanted Premise

The interview seemed to be some pretty typical post-trial fare. Initially, Lara Zak asked if President Trump might face further prosecution which Van Der Veen shrugged off answering “No, That’s Just Political Rhetoric And I Was Hopeful That Something Would Come Out Of This That The Political Rhetoric Would Stop Out Of Washington D.C But I Guess Apparently It Hasn’t.”

Where everything went sideways is when Lara Zak attempted to frame her next question in a manner which reflected that the doctored evidence was minor, or unimportant.

Zak asked “Um, let’s follow up with uh with a point that you’re making right now. About The House managers as you say: “Doctoring Evidence” And uh and the arguments.”

Van Der Veen interjected: “They Didn’t Deny It I Put It In Front Of Them”

The CBS Anchor then responded, “What you’re what you’re talking about now is is a check mark uh that’s a verification on twitter that-that did not exist on that particular Tweet, A 2020 that should have actually read 2021, Um and the selective editing you say of-of the tapes. Is That how, is that the Doctored evidence of which you’re speaking?”

Then All-Hell Broke Loose. Van Der Veen Set Zak, CBS, The Media and All Politicians Straight

Mr. Van Der Veen’s reaction to the clumsy framing device was immediate, decisive and merciless.

 “Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait. That’s not enough for you?!?! That’s not enough for you?!? Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait.”

Zak struggled to respond backpedaling, “No, I’m trying I am not a juror in this trial. What I’m trying to be clear for our viewers is what you are, is what you’re referring to because not everybody has been following…”


The CBS Anchor again tried to regain control of the interview, “I want to be clear for our viewers. Listen, what exactly are you saying when you say ‘Doctored Evidence’?”. But it was to no avail, Van Der Veen set upon her viciously.

“The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are blood-thirsty for ratings and as such you’re asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern.

I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that it’s ‘All Right’ just to doctor a little bit of evidence. There’s more stuff that we uncovered that they doctored to be frank with you. And perhaps that will come out one day. But we won this case. And I’m not a sore loser but what happened, or a sore winner I should say,

But what should happen is somebody should look at the conduct of these House Managers. It-It’s unconscionable!

Aside from all of the due process violations that my client had. And the media should be looking at that. At a square straight way. The straight way. When I watch the news I watch one station and it’s raining I watch another station at the same time and it’s sunny.

Your coverage is so slanted. It’s gotta stop. You guys have to stop and start reporting more like PBS does rather than a-a TV News show that doesn’t have any journalistic integrity at all.

What I’m telling you is that they doctored evidence and I believe your question says ‘Well it’s only a Twitter check and uh and changing a year of a date here, they switch the date of a Twitter a year to try to connect it to this case. That’s not a small thing Ma’am!

The other thing they did is they put a check mark on something to-to make it look like it was a validated account when it wasn’t. And when they were caught they didn’t say anything about it. They didn’t even try to come up with an excuse about it. And that’s not the way our prosecutors or our Government Officials should be conducting themselves. And the Media shouldn’t be letting them get away with it either. I’m tired of the biased Media. On both sides, left and right!

What this country wants, what this country needs, is this country to come together. To take the left and the right and find a middle ground and start responsibly being our Public Officials, Our Elected officials. And The News, And The really, one of the reasons why they do it is because of the Media.

Because the media wants to tell their narrative rather than just telling it like it is. And frankly I’m tired of it. I’m not a media, I’m not in front of your cameras all the time. Uh, but what I’ve been subjected to this last week, yeah, you don’t want to hear the truth, Yup, Okay.”

Van Der Veen, finally removed his microphone dismissively and left camera view as Zak attempted to regain her shaken composure. She sputtered “Michael Van Der Veen, Thank You For Joining Us I-I Do Appreciate. Yeah, Okay. All Right I See You Taking Off Your Microphone Now. That Was President Trump’s Defense Attorney Michael Van Der Veen”

We present this transcription of the interview to you for the full context of Van Der Veen’s statements. Not one word of which was wrong.




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