
Shock Revelation: Cardinal Alleges Pope Francis’ Pontificate is Invalid!

Recent reports have indicated that there may be evidence that proves that Pope Francis’ election during the 2013 conclave was invalid.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has claimed a cardinal told friends “that he has witnessed facts that render the election of Jorge Mario null and void.” The prelate added that this cardinal does not wish to reveal these facts publicly for fear of breaking the Pontifical secret. However, he already did by talking about it in private conversations.

In 2022, Viganò expressed his doubts regarding the validity of the papal election and requested an “investigation.” Since then, multiple reports have surfaced alleging various schemes and organized meetings before the conclave to promote Jorge Bergoglio’s candidacy.

Notably, proof that a meeting between progressive cardinals discussing potential candidates one day before the voting at the conclave started. Cardinal Kasper admitted participating in the said meeting but denied any unethical behavior had taken place.

He believed it was reasonable for cardinals to meet privately and exchange information without being bound or obligated afterward.

Cardinal Kasper told LifeSite that “it is really simply reasonable and normal – yes, it is even absolutely necessary for the forming of a personal judgment and conscience – that cardinals meet in order to reflect in a small circle (when all of them are together, there are 180-200, then everybody can only speak one time), and to weigh things and to receive information (not everybody knows each other) and then to form together a non-binding opinion.”

While this development is certainly significant, no cardinal who participated in the 2013 conclave has come out saying there were events at said conclave that might render it null and void—leaving many questions unanswered as to what actually happened behind closed doors leading up to Francisco’s election as pope six years ago. Until some form of investigation takes place or further details are revealed, this story remains uncertain but undeniably intriguing.

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