Time and time again, this administration has insisted that our border is secure.
If that is the case, how is the cartel carrying out executions in California?
More importantly, how are they able to kill a teenage girl and her baby?
They’re All Dead
The home where this took place had been raided not long before the execution took place.
This is speculation on my part, but it would leave me to believe that if the cartel was involved, they were extracting a pound of flesh for any product that was lost during the raid.
All told, six people were murdered in the attack, including 16-year-old Alissa Parraz and her 10-month-old baby.
Both of them were shot in the head, clearly a professional hit.
Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux continued, “If [they] are specifically shooting everyone in the head, they know what they are doing … [and] they are comfortable with what they are doing.
“I think it’s specifically connected to the cartel.
“The level of violence … this was not your run-of-the-mill, low-end gang member.
“We believe this is very targeted. This is very personal and we also believe this is a message being sent.”
But the border is secure, right Joe?
Source: New York Post