She Bought a Meal For This Homeless Man, Then He Gave Her This Shocking Note…

Back in 2015, student Casey Fischer decided to stop at a Dunkin Donuts before class one morning where she discovered a homeless man outside the store picking up change.

The two made their way inside the store where Fischer noticed the man, named Chris, trying to count out the change to buy himself something to eat.

Fischer made the kind gesture of purchasing his coffee and bagel and asked if they could sit together to talk before she needed to leave for her class.

“He told me a lot about how people are usually very mean to him because he’s homeless, how drugs turned him into the person he hated, he lost his mom to cancer, he never knew his dad and he just wants to be someone his mom would be proud of,” Casey wrote in a Facebook post, detailing over an hour’s worth of conversation she had with the “lovely” man named Chris.

However, just before Fischer left, Chris handed her a small note with an unbelievable message.

“Chris was one of the most honest & sincere people I’ve ever met,” Casey continued, but sadly, their time together was drawing to an end.

Casey Fischer College Girl Buys Meal For Homeless Man Then He Hands Her Crumpled Note

Casey Fischer (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Fischer did not get around to reading the note until later in the day.

After reading it she broke down, realizing that just by speaking to this man and buying him a meal, she had saved his life.

“‘I wanted to kill myself today because of u I now do not. Thank u, beautiful person.'”

Casey Fischer College Girl Buys Meal For Homeless Man Then He Hands Her Crumpled Note

The note Casey Fischer received (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Casey’s story goes to show how effective a simple kind gesture can be. As the old saying goes, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Source: Taphaps


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