This Memorial Day weekend’s tweet from Kamala Harris was an offensive and absolutely ridiculous move, denigrating the sacrifice of America’s service men and women by blithely wishing Americans “Enjoy the long weekend”. But this latest spate of ridiculous behavior, that is repugnant to our national character and insulting to our American ideals isn’t anything new. But that doesn’t mean we should stop pointing it out either. This can’t become the Democrats’ favorite term of 2020 “the new normal”.
Enjoy the long weekend.
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 29, 2021
Ridiculous Democrat: Drinker of The House
Looking back there are videos ranging from a clearly inebriated Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), which have disappeared down the YouTube memory hole. Where hundreds of videos were ubiquitous on the video sharing site for years now, they have been aggressively scrubbed. Only a handful of mainstream media reports hamfistedly attempting to “debunk” the videos can be found.
Ridiculous Democrat: Dottering Joe
Multiple video montages of Joe Biden’s clearly being a dotard and demonstrating his incapacity for office abound. Why haven’t these videos been so aggressively purged from the internet? Perhaps they serve a purpose. Perhaps they are intended to ready the American people to accept Biden’s eventual replacement at the helm of the Democrat-Socialist regime. Historically speaking President Gerald Ford was a fairly stumbly President, but this nowhere near as disconcerting as Biden’s multiple public cognitive issues combined with evident physical infirmity.
Riculous Democrat: Inciting Auntie Maxine
Not to be outdone by her Caucasian colleagues the octogenarian Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) has demonstrated a similar slide into either dementia or a loss of political inhibition as she continues to incite Antifa and BLM violence in American cities with reckless abandon that threatens her with censure from within her own party even. Congresswoman Waters was prominently featured during the second impeachment of President Trump by the Trump defense team demonstrating the Democrats’ partisan distortion of what constitutes “incitement” whereas Trump’s very benign comments were stacked against Waters’ inflammatory inciteful rhetoric.
All things considered, the Democrats Ridiculousness will continue to be on display as long as the party remains a coherent entity in American politics. The disconcerting thing is that as silicon valley giants continue to maintain control over the flow of information to the American people, the video evidence will continue to disappear or be suppressed algorithmically. So it’s crucial that we continue to point out these ideological inconsistencies as they arise and call out the hypocrisy whenever we see it.