
Jan 6th Committee Reportedly Extorting Witnesses…

Joe McCarthy was right, what we are seeing today is Soviet-style persecution. Our colleagues from The Gateway Pundit published a report when they received a leaked e-mail from the sham Jan. 6th committee meant for the Jan. 6th ‘offenders‘.

It’s clear that the “comedy show” the Unselect Committee is managing has actually been utilizing dishonest if not perhaps unlawful steps to protect beneficial witness statements from maltreated Jan. 6th Defendants that have actually pled guilty, such as their witness Stephen Ayres that affirmed the other day, the Gateway Pundit reports.

RINO Liz Cheney is attempting to alter the story that President Trump personally connected to a witness who has not yet affirmed. The reality is that the sham is the one reaching out to the Defendants to affirm prior to their sentencing. How is this legal?

The Gateway Pundit initially broke this story, and the e-mail revealed listed below was first sent out to the outlet by a January 6th Defendant that pled guilty however is waiting for sentencing.

According to TGP, it was sent out to the accused by James Sasso, Investigative Counsel for “The Unselect Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on The United States Capitol”.

More details of this breaking bombshell from The Gateway Pundit exclusive report:

The recipient of this email wishes to remain anonymous as they are fearful of retaliation by the Government when sentenced. We blacked out information to protect their identity.

This is the statement of the individual who forwarded this email to us:

“The Committee wants me to apologize for being there, they want me to apologize for speaking out on my opinion on the matter. I just can’t do that. That would be a lie. The only advantage for doing that is if I can avoid some kind of harsh sentencing which is coming up. If I don’t play ball with them I fear they will be retaliate, there will be a consequence for it.”

Logically, these cornered defendants would feel immense pressure to give the Unselect Committee the answers they want to hear “in exchange” for a favorable sentence, whether they are true or not. How can this Committee present these compromised witnesses to the American public as credible when they know they are not? The game plan all along was to viciously persecute American citizens and ultimately use them to keep President Trump from getting elected again. The Biden Regime has men still locked away in pre-trail solitary confinement, torturing them until they crack and give them what they want.

“The fact that the January 6th Committee is using convicted defendants awaiting sentencing as witnesses against President Trump to corroborate their claims is unethical, predatory and dishonest,” said top J6 Attorney Joseph McBride. “There is no difference between the Committee’s actions and a hostage held by terrorists at gunpoint being forced to read a letter from his captors saying they are “good people”. Its is deeply disturbing, morally bankrupt and profoundly anti-American.”

Stephen Ayres, a witness the Unselect Committee called yesterday, spoke about this experience on January 6th in front of the Kangaroo Court.  Ayres testified he did not plan on marching to the Capitol, but that former president Donald Trump got “everyone” riled up and urged them to march. After traitor Liz Cheney asked him “Do you still believe the election was stolen?”, the clearly emasculated Ayres made a face and choked out “Not so much now.” Ayres then went on to hug crying Capitol cop Michael Fanone and friends and “apologized” to them in front of flashing cameras.

Stephen Ayres cringes while testifying before his captors. Ayres is awaiting sentencing for January 6th charges.

Ayres pled Guilty to disorderly conduct this past June 8th. He was originally charged with Aiding and Abetting, Entering or Remaining in an Official Building or Grounds, and Obstruction of an Official Proceeding 1512(c)(2) which alone holds a maximum of a 20 year sentence. He wound up plea bargaining with the Regime to the simple charge of Disorderly Conduct. All other charges were dropped. Here is Ayres’ Criminal Complaint and Arrest Warrant.

It is notable that Ayres is the Co-Defendant of Matthew Perna, the January 6th Defendant who committed suicide this past February 26th in desperation after he pled guilty to the very same charges that Ayres had dropped- including the Obstruction of an Official Proceeding 1512(c)(2). Here is Ayres and Perna’s Indictment. **Perna is “Male 1” in Ayres Criminal Complaint.

Apparently a terrified Ayres thought it wiser to sign a plea deal and appear before the nation to denounce Trump then face the same fate as his co-defendant and pal Michael Perna, whose family says he is dead because of his political persecution by Biden’s Justice Department. He signed his plea deal only this past June 8th.

H/T: Patriot Nation PressTheGatewayPundit

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