
Israel Official Drops Hamas BOMBSHELL… This is HORRIFIC

The head of Israel’s volunteer EMS squad came forward this week to describe the horrors his team saw when they first went to the site of the Hamas invasion of Israel.

Eli Beer, founder and president of United Hatzalah, spoke with members of the Republican Jewish Coalition to tell them his first-hand experience of the invasion.

What this man described was horrific.

My Own Eyes

Beer described the horrors of the brutal attacks by Hamas against innocent civilians that he saw “with his own eyes.”

In one instance, a Hamas fighter cut open the belly of a pregnant woman, “took out the baby, and stabbed the little tiny baby in front of her and then shot her in front of her family.”

The terrorists then proceeded to kill every family member that lived in the home.

He also saw babies that had been placed in ovens, cooked alive.

Beer stated, “We saw a little baby in an oven.

“These bastards put these babies in an oven and put on the oven. We found the kid a few hours later.

“These are not regular enemies, these are not regular situations.

“I saw little kids who were beheaded.

“We didn’t know which head belonged to which kid.”

Now read that again, then realize that we have members of Congress who want Israel to call for a cease-fire.

We have members of Congress who are daring to call this a military action, refusing to sign on to a measure that would have condemned Hamas for this act of terror.

Source: New York Post

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