Biden’s Plan To Circumvent Roe V. Wade Being Overturned Is Absolutely Sick

Joe Biden and his staff are seriously considering the sick decision to declare a public health emergency in reaction to demands from far-leftists to “protect abortion rights”, according to the New York Times.

Apparently the purpose behind the dictatorial action is to assist women in red states in obtaining abortions despite potential court rulings and state laws.

The other possible proposal would be for physicians in states that ban the procedure to conduct abortions on federal land, like a military base.

After the draft opinion was leaked to Politico, which also resulted in various protests and violent attacks against pro-life organizations, authorities still have yet to apprehend the communist leaker.

Following the past month of chaos, now the president warns that the overturning of Roe v. Wade will cause a “mini-revolution” in the U.S.

Biden commented on his willingness to use executive action against a ruling in order to overturn any state or municipal abortion bans during a recent interview with ABC comedian and activist Jimmy Kimmel.

“It’s just ridiculous in my view and I don’t think the country will stand for it, but I think what we’re going to have to do, there’s some executive orders I could employ, we believe, we’re looking at that right now,” he said.

Sources: Breitbart, Lifenews, Thepostmillennial


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