Video: Megyn Kelly Called Out Meghan Markle for Her ‘Many Lies’

Megyn Kelly attacked the “Princess of Privacy” Meghan Markle in her podcast. Kelly told the royal to “stop the nonsense” while she listed all of the lies Markle has told in an effort to appear a “victim.”

During “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast, the host opened with “the many lies of Meghan Markle” in a brutal take-down of the Duchess of Sussex’s claims of victimhood. All of which have been proven to be lies. This comes following Markle’s latest claim that she was “objectified” during her job as a “suitcase girl” on the game show “Deal or No Deal.”  The Daily Wire previously reported on Markle’s latest claim to victimhood.

“Meghan Markle lies regularly, more than most people, about a lot,” Kelly explained. She listed several claims the royal made during her tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. Those included that Markle and Harry secretly got married before their royal wedding, which they didn’t. Another was that her baby wasn’t going to be a prince because of his race, which turned out to be wrong, too.

“She lies so often she’s had to hire a new publicity team now to help work on her image,” Kelly added. “And a fact checker for her Spotify podcast. Which is rather amusing when you consider the falsehoods broadcast there so far have all been about her. What’s the fact checker going to do?”

Kelly picked apart a list of claims Markle has made, including that her baby almost died “in a fire” during her trip to South Africa. A horrific claim that turned out to be a complete falsehood as the fire was “some smoke from a heater and your son was nowhere near the room.” Kelly then pointed out Markle’s latest claim that she didn’t know the game show job was about beauty and not brains.

“She knew exactly what she was getting herself into on that job, and it was no surprise to her that they wanted her to look as good as possible while doing it,” Kelly explained. “What she is trying to con us on now is whether she enjoyed it. She loved every minute of it! She wanted to be objectified! She wanted the adulation.”


“Just like she still wants it to this day,” Kelly continued. “Miss ‘I just want my privacy’ now has a podcast, a Netflix show about her … and just today was on the cover of Variety. The Princess of Privacy is actually desperate, desperate for publicity. … Why is she lying about this? … Why can’t she just say, ‘I’m so grateful to those producers who helped make me look amazing night after night and gave me my start in acting’? Because it’s more important to her to be a victim. The same theme of every single one of her podcasts and of her life.”

“The job was to be a model…” the host added. “It’s the same thing she did to the royal family. … This woman is a fraud, and people get it. A poll this past summer showed the majority of Americans now disapprove of Meghan Markle. Another poll showed just 26% of Brits approve of her. It’s not something a new publicity team can solve. Nor can any ‘fact-checker.’ Only Meghan Markle can solve it. Stop the nonsense. Stop with the obsessive image-crafting.”

The former Fox News host closed the segment by stating that “we don’t feel sorry for you,” telling the royal to “take a step back.”

“Be quiet for a while and do something meaningful that is not about you,” Kelly concluded. “Then maybe we will feel inspired to do something other than mock you.”


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