Julie McFadden, a hospice nurse from Los Angeles, has cared for countless individuals during their final days on this earth. Recently, She has turned to social media to reveal her revelations of death and the journey to the other side.
McFadden has noticed an uncanny consistency among her patients. She claims that her hospice patients often encounter visions of loved ones who have already passed on.
When hospice nurse Julie McFadden decided to use social media to educate people about death and dying, she had no idea it would strike a chord with so many. In this video she talks about "the rally”. Have you ever witnessed this? pic.twitter.com/7wi1bPpCEW
— When You Die (@whenyoudie_org) December 10, 2021
It seems to be a reoccurring pattern as the same scene is repeated frequently, a late loved one or even cherished pet may come to call, giving the patient a sense of peace in their final days or hours.
McFadden, has used social media to recount these experiences of patients visited by departed loved ones. She has recounted how some of her patients have even heard messages from the departed.
👻🧲 New Ghost Magnet Podcast Episode 👻🧲
This week I am talking to Hospice Nurse Julie McFadden #hospicenurseJulie about explainable & unexplainable things that happen at the end of life: death bed visions, controlling when we die, visitors from the other side &so much more! pic.twitter.com/eK9hmI2vwy
— Bridget (@Bridget) December 13, 2022
Patients have reported to her that their loved ones give them soothing encouragement such as “Don’t worry, we’ll help you,” and “We’re coming to get you soon.”
McFadden is a 39-year-old experienced hospice nurse who has her insights on death and dying to TikTok, earning her an impressive 1.2 million followers. Her videos have garnered an astonishing twelve million likes.
We have exciting news!A new episode drops this Tuesday, August 16! Tune in to our podcast as we welcome our special guest Julie McFadden. Julie is a hospice nurse and a well-known social media influencer, you can find her @hospicenursejulie on IG and TikTok.Please like and share! pic.twitter.com/S51Ev9Vr99
— The Orsini Way (@TheOrsiniWay) August 10, 2022
Despite the consistency that McFadden has witnessed in her patients of seeing apparitions who bring comfort, the medical community remains at a loss to fully explain this phenomenon. McFadden surmises that these visions begin as early as one month before death. The visions can manifest in dreams or while the patient is awake, leading those who see them to physically perceive that these spirits are among them.
McFadden insists these visions aren’t mere delusions, “They’re usually functional and logical and questioning me, ‘Why am I seeing my dead mom? Do you see her?’” she added in one of her TikTok Videos. The coherence and continuity of these experiences lend them an authenticity that is difficult to dismiss.