Senate Passes SHOCK Legislation… Liberals are Losing Their Minds

Joe Biden is going to have to decide if he wants to break out his veto pen again or not.

A piece of legislation has just unanimously passed through the Senate that is going to force Biden’s hand.

Is he willing to let us see all the COVID origins information or will he continue to protect China?

Show Us the Papers!

Republican Senators Josh Hawley and Mike Braun presented the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 and it was met with no resistance.

The legislation was passed after two agencies came forward to say they believe it was more than likely the Wuhan lab where the COVID virus originated.

The bill will now go to the House, where it should easily pass.

Braun stated, “The House needs to pass this bill to let the American people see the facts!

“President Biden can’t ignore this: time to let Americans decide for ourselves.”

Biden will be put between a rock and a hard place after the House passes the bill.

If he passes it, his buddies in China are going to have a fit.

If he makes any excuse at all to keep these documents classified and hidden from the American people, he will look like a traitor.

I anxiously await to see how this all plays out.

Source: Daily Caller

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