Obama WH BURIED This 2008 Report…

If I told you there was a report out there that Democrats have buried for more than a decade, would it shock you?

If I told you that Obama did the exact opposite of what the report recommended, would you be surprised?

If I also told you that this report that Obama and the Democrat Party sold out black Americans for illegal immigrants, would that surprise you?

Well, based on this report, all of that is true.

Illegal Immigration BAD

The United States Commission on Civil Rights put the report together.

In part, it stated, “In the midst of public debate over immigration reform, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights voted to examine the possible effects of illegal immigration on particularly vulnerable segments of the U.S. working population, specifically low-skill black workers.”

So, let’s see… what was Obama doing at this time?

Well, he was pushing DACA and Democrats wanted to get them amnesty.

Peter Kirsanow, the longest-serving member of the Commission, wrote, “There is ample evidence to suggest that at a minimum, [illegal immigration] has had an aggravating effect on both the displacement of low-skilled American workers and the racial divide in employment.

“This is because illegal immigration tends to increase the supply of low-skilled, low-wage labor already available in the U.S. labor market.”

Tell me again how the Democrat Party works to help minorities in this country?

You see, black Americans no longer have a viable purpose to Democrats because more than 80 percent of them pull the handle for Democrats in every election.

They are on lockdown… so Dems need a new minority group to use and abuse, and that would be the illegal immigrants coming across the southern border.

Source: Breitbart

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