Nancy Pelosi Just Got the Word… She is OUT OF BUSINESS

It has been two years since the discussion of preventing members of Congress from trading stocks began.

Now, it looks like enough support in the Senate may be able to get this legislation passed.

Senators Kirstin Gillibrand and Josh Hawley have presented their bill that would stop elected and executive branch officials from trading or holding individual company stocks, as well as prohibiting blind trusts and increasing transparency with filing requirements.

This is a great step forward for both sides of the aisle – Republicans are taking a stand against insider trading in Congress!

The proposed legislation will ban members of Congress from engaging in any kind of stock trading activities, including purchasing individual company stocks or holding them in blind trusts.

It also requires increased filing transparency with more stringent penalties for violations, such as fines equal to 10% of the value of prohibited investments for members.

Senator Gillibrand commented that “Sunlight is the best disinfectant” and Senator Hawley stated that “Politicians and civil servants shouldn’t spend their time day-trading and trying to make a profit at the expense of the American public, but that’s exactly what so many are doing.”

These comments speak volumes about how important it is to take action on insider trading within our government system.

There are those who join Congress only to become wealthy by obtaining insider information about stock market activity – these people will likely vote against this proposed legislation because they know if it passes, they will no longer be able to cash in on their inside knowledge.

We can expect resistance from up to 40% of Congress who have been profiting off illegal stock trades for years however, those who have already made their money (like Pelosi) may choose to retire instead due to fear of being exposed once this bill becomes law.

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