
Jim Jordan: My Staff Has Verified The Emails

“Our staff has had numerous conversations,” Jim Jordan explains. His office took a look at the Hunter Biden message stash under the microscope. The people his crew reached out to “have independently confirmed for us that in fact these emails are real, they’re authentic,” the staunchly conservative Ohio Republican lawmaker assures America. “We’re confident that that is in fact the case.”

Emails confirm Joe was raking off the top

The incriminating emails on Hunter’s infamous abandoned laptop confirm that not only was Hunter Biden dealing access to his dad like dope, Joe was shaking him down for half the take. That proves Joe Biden was not only aware of what his son was up to, he benefited from it.

Somehow, he managed to make millions more since Obama handed the keys to Trump than he ever did before. The pieces are falling into place like the Durham dominoes didn’t. No wonder Twitter and Facebook tried so hard to censor the story.

Daily Caller is reporting that one of the emails, “was sent from Hunter Biden to his daughter, Naomi.” In it, he vents, “All during the time that I’ve been disrespected, I’ve been the one who has supported this family for 30 years, and unlike pop, I’m not going to require you to give half of your salary to me.” Considering that his salary was all allegedly derived from selling access to the Vice President, that’s an earthshaking admission.

According to Jim Jordan, “Hunter Biden cashed in, Joe Biden is compromised, and of course the former vice president misled the American people when he said he had no knowledge, no understanding of what his son was up to in his international business dealings.” Liar. Joe Biden is nothing but a liar and the emails prove it.

Mafia-like criminal enterprise

Before the public learned that the Biden family is conducting it’s own mafia-like criminal enterprise, Twitter and Facebook tried way too desperately to censor reports of another one of the emails. The one that shows “Hunter Biden had set up a meeting between Joe Biden and an adviser to Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company.”

That’s curious because unqualified cocaine and alcohol addicted playboy Hunter was a board member of Burisma at the time. Jordan took offense to the “fact that Biden has said numerous times that he knew nothing about his son’s business interests.” It was one of those “don’t tell me, I don’t want to know, but I could use some new golf clubs” kind of things.

Terrified Democrats immediately tried to blame it on the Russians but Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe shot that down fast. The emails, he insists, “are not Russian disinformation.” Another thing to note is that besides the Beau Biden Foundation sticker on the laptop, nobody is denying that it belonged to Hunter.

All the images suddenly making the rounds of the internet certainly seem like extremely personal photos. The latest Democrat dodge is that the Russians paid Rudy Giuliani to plant the photos and incriminating images on the hard drive.

Then, as Jim Jordan points out, “there is a form signed by Hunter Biden when he dropped off his laptop.” One of the emails from 2017 mentioned one of the ways they sliced Joe off a piece of the action. “10 percent of equity from a business venture with a Chinese firm to be held for ‘the Big Guy.'” Fox news confirmed that “the Big Guy” is, in fact, Joe Biden.

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