
Instant Justice: Vigilante Kills Two Carjackers

Missouri vigilante Demesha Coleman wasn’t waiting for the police to catch whoever stole her car. Two of the three won’t do it again, that’s for sure. Demesha was determined to get even, which is something the justice system can’t seem to understand. They don’t even prosecute carjacking these days. Now, they’re prosecuting her for murder. It will be real interesting to see if a jury of her “peers” will convict.

Instant vigilante justice

In Missouri, they know a thing or two about vigilante justice. When the police won’t do anything about crime, you simply do it yourself. Take the law into your own hands. On Wednesday, December 21, the 35-year-old resident of Spanish Lake was arrested.

They’re holding her on “two counts of first-degree murder, three counts of armed criminal action and one count of first-degree assault,” St. Louis County online court records confirm.

The vigilante and her posse partner are accused of administering the violent death sentences they imposed on Darius Jackson, 19, and Joseph Farrar, 49.

The two men were fatally shot outside a Speedie Gas station in St. Louis,” local outlets report. That’s what you call “speedie” justice. Caught in the act, tried, convicted, sentenced and executed without a single cent of taxpayer dollars involved.

The two were dead at the scene, while “another male victim was taken to the hospital in critical condition with a gunshot wound to his head.” Twitter updates say he survived.

Charges could have been adjusted against the vigilante if he died, too. It’s not clear which of the three “was suspected of stealing Coleman’s vehicle.” They all were in it when Ms. Coleman tracked it down.

Captured on camera

Right around 10:30 p.m. Video cameras observed her “walking up to the vehicle at the gas station’s parking lot.” She had backup. Demesha “was with a man who police have not identified.” That means they probably haven’t caught him yet.

Both, police confirm, were carrying guns. Clearly shown on the screen, is “Coleman opening the front passenger door of the SUV with her gun raised, while the man opened the driver’s side door.” Coleman was the first vigilante to start blasting. “Coleman opened fire and a shootout occurred.

In her defense, she told police she “identified herself” before she opened fire. Probably something along the lines of “get the bleep away from my ride.

The way reporters phrase it, “Coleman allegedly told detectives during a recorded interview that she went to the gas station to take her stolen car back, then identified herself on the footage.” The vigilante obviously thought they didn’t move to comply fast enough.

Farrar “was shot in the torso and police found him next to a gasoline pump.” Jackson, they note, “was on the ground next to the SUV and had also been shot in the torso.

The third subject of vigilante justice “was found on the far end of the gas station parking lot.” Ms. Coleman will get her day in court. This one will probably take a while to ripen but will be interesting to follow through the courts, stay tuned.

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