Freshman Congresswoman and Conservative Fire-brand Rep. Lauren Boebert has been targeted by the twitterati Cancel-culture brigade for live-tweeting during the Capitol Siege January 6th. The leftists are accusing Boebert, who like many millennials tweets near-constantly of tweeting in an attempt to ‘tip-off’ those storming the building that Speaker Pelosi was no longer in her Chambers. This is just the latest move in the coordinated political purge by Democrats of everyone affiliated with or supportive of President Trump.
They’re reading an awful lot into a factual tweet which provided the same information that an as yet unnamed aide provided to Reuters at about the same time.
Just to illustrate the point, this is what the Twitter screeding left would have you believe.
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been evacuated and is safe, an aide tells @Reuters
— Ernest Scheyder (@ErnestScheyder) January 6, 2021
The Speaker has been removed from the chambers.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) January 6, 2021
If you’ll permit a quick meme:
And just so you don’t think we’re cherry-picking here’s a handful of tweets that are materially giving the same update as Boebert’s in response to people actively ASKING if Pelosi was safe. If anything Boebert should be lauded for providing a timely update that the American people were looking for on both sides of the aisle. The question of whether or not the Presidential line of succession is intact is crucial, information in a crisis. If Congresswoman Boebert chose a different path and was there as a reporter, she’d be hailed as a hero for getting that news out under pressure.
The double-standard is impressive isn’t it?
@vp, @SpeakerPelosi and @ChuckGrassley have been moved to secure location. The Senate is being evacuated.
— Rev. Dr. Martha M. Cruz (she/her/hers; ella) (@CubanMatriarch) January 6, 2021
She was evacuated but not sure where to.
— Jessica Schiffer (@jessicaschiffer) January 6, 2021
I just watched the US Senate gavel out and reports are that @VP was evacuated. Chos is breaking out in the House. @SpeakerPelosi no longer preceding over the chamber.
— Daniel Aschkinasi (@DanAschkinasi) January 6, 2021
NOW: @SpeakerPelosi has been taken into protective custody by Capitol Police and is being evacuated from the building as soon as police can make an exit.
— Derek Myers (@DerekMyers) January 6, 2021
House Rep. Speaker Pelosi has been evacuated and is safe – Congressional aide.
— *FinancialJuice (@FinancialJuice) January 6, 2021
Speaker Pelosi has now been evacuated from the Capitol. Everyone has been ordered to shelter in place.
— Nita Cosby (@5_2blue) January 6, 2021
Here’s Why They’ve Targeted Her
Let’s get to the real reasons Congresswoman Boebert has been targeted by the left. While every Member of Congress who supported the efforts to investigate the 2020 Election are being targeted for expulsion by the Democrats, Boebert has become a priority for two reasons
1.) She’s calling them out for the social media purge.
Democrats have normalized violence and proved it to be an effective tool to advance an agenda.
They now have the control they’ve been pursuing and their first act is a social media purge.
Republicans have to end this attack on free speech.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) January 9, 2021
2.) She really made Speaker Pelosi very angry in her fiery objection that same day.
“Madame Speaker, I have constituents outside this building right now. I promised my voters to be their voice in this branch of government which I now serve. It is my separate but equal obligation to weigh in on this election and object. Are we not a government of, by and for the people? They know that this election is not right, and as their representative I am sent here to represent them, I will not allow the people to be ignored,” she said.
Twitter users point to this quote insinuating Boebert had some sort of knowledge of what was happen only minutes later. They’re pulling a classic post hoc ergo propter hoc lie: just because it follows doesn’t mean it is because of, coincidence is not causality. Its really quite pathetic.
I love watching all the Republicans speaking but this one by @LaurenBoebert really hit hard. She just got there, so she's still one of us. Some people said she was yelling. We're ALL yelling! This isn't a time for a cute and quiet speech.
— Errol Webber For CA Governor (@ErrolWebber) January 6, 2021