Just when you thought Hunter Biden couldn’t get any more slimy and disgusting, he takes it a step further. A shocking new report has just revealed that President Joe Biden’s disgraced son would steal from his daughter’s college fund in order to pay for his own addiction to hookers and drugs.
It is safe to say that Hunter Biden has been far from a role model when it comes to fatherhood. Adding insult to injury, he still hasn’t paid the taxes on it either.
Congress recently released papers from an IRS whistleblower who investigated him for tax crimes which revealed Hunter had been living in Connecticut hotels with hookers and blowing thousands of dollars on cocaine during late 2018 – his “penultimate odyssey through full blown addiction.”
He even admitted this himself in his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things”.
The emails and messages found on Hunter’s laptop show money taken from Maisy’s educational savings account went towards paying for various prostitutes who visited him at hotels, Porsche car loan payments, sex webcam subscription fees and other personal expenses.
His assistant Katie Dodge sent him pleading emails on December 28th about tuition bills due of $27,945 at the University of Pennsylvania (likely for his eldest daughter Naomi), $1,700 payment for his Porsche, $4,244.70 for Maisy’s high school Sidwell Friends, her own paycheck of $3k plus another employee’s paycheck of $1k – all unpaid as yet.
Hunter tersely told Dodge to pay for the Porsche and health insurance but only half her paycheck would be given out until he dealt with tuitions when time came around – which never happened apparently as all three daughters ended up attending Penn anyway.
Maisy Biden takes post-graduation trip to Japan with Grandpa Joe https://t.co/krqbCGdFFi pic.twitter.com/4iSRaVbKcI
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) May 18, 2023
Unsurprisingly then it was later discovered in text messages obtained by an IRS whistleblower that just a few days later Hunter asked his uncle James Biden for financial assistance because he had run out of money.
The future Vice President asked if his father could help with alimony payments but also mentioned wanting to move into Joe Biden’s Delaware mansion after ending things with Hallie Biden (his sister-in-law turned lover).
James replied saying they needed several months of aid from Joe before their plan could work but sadly there is no evidence that such help ever came through or any information about what exactly transpired next beyond this exchange between uncle and nephew.