Sleepy Joe Just Threw A Total Tantrum

Biden STUNS Democrats… He Is ENDING IT

House Republicans are putting pressure on the administration to end all COVID rules.

There are currently two emergency orders in place.

There is the COVID national emergency, slated to end on March 1.

There is also the public health emergency, which is slated to end on April 11.

Biden appears a bit panicky, and has offered up a formal end date.

Panic Time

So, we have been moving toward ending these rules for some time now, yet the administration has no plan in place for the aftermath.

When Republicans made it known they were going to pressure for the emergency rules to be immediately ended, the Office of Management and Budget had a fit.

The office stated, “An abrupt end to the emergency declarations would create wide-ranging chaos and uncertainty throughout the health care system — for states, for hospitals and doctors’ offices, and, most importantly, for tens of millions of Americans.”

Just curious, but what have you been doing all this time if not preparing for the end of this emergency declaration?

So, Biden has offered up May 11 as the date to end the declarations, but the GOP does not trust him, so they are moving forward with a vote on the House floor to end them immediately.

Make no mistake about it, this is war in Congress.

Source: Fox News

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